South Phoenix Realtors, and why one should really consider hiring one when selling or buying their south phoenix home.
Let me say that I may have a bias as I of course I’m a South Phoenix Real estate agent. Yet, I think this short article will point out some facts that one should consider. Facts to consider when looking to work with a realtor for the purchase or sale of a home within a specific area. These facts will point toward good reasons to use a local realtor regardless of whether it is in South Phoenix or some other part of the country.
First reason one should consider South Phoenix Realtors is knowledge of the area
This is one item that most people will agree with, that some one that has knowledge of an area would likely serve you best in that particular area. Would you rather have a knowledgeable guide help you through the jungles of the amazon, or just someone that read a book and has a map? A person with a map may be able to get you started down the right track, but as they have never done the trek themselves there is likely to be many surprise along the way. Maybe that rope suspension bridge which shows up on the map has fallen years back, and now you’re stuck with no way to cross the river full of piranha and anaconda snakes. No thanks, I think I would much rather take the knowledgeable guide in the area. Would you rather have a specialist surgeon working on you operation or have some back alley doctor? Hopefully you’re not in need of surgery, but if you were I’m sure you’d rather have a specialist working on the surgery. Would you rather have a knowledge able real estate agent help you locate a home in their area of specialty or have a realtor with no knowledge of the area? Truth is there are many people that entrust a friend or relative who has little to no knowledge of an area to help them with the purchase or sale of the home. This is baffling as a home is generally one of the largest financial obligations people will make in their lives and it is sometimes done with a person that is not a specialist to an area. Knowledge of the area can really help you understand the market and what could make a home appealing or less appealing. Knowledge of the area and things that can affect a property currently or in the near or extended future is something that can help a buyer/seller. Did you know for example that some homes in South West Phoenix and specifically in the Laveen area will have to sell their homes due to construction of a freeway? That right there is a freeway that is coming and it has been approved and at this point the department of transportation is going through appraisals to purchase homes. (Eminent domain). The point I am trying to get across here is that some one that works in an area, has knowledge of the area, is going to best be able to help with your real estate needs. The lack of knowledge for the area is something that can cost you money.
As a real estate agent I have spent 10 years, that is since 2004, selling properties and the vast majority have been in the South Phoenix area. Truth is some homes I’ve actually managed to sell more than once over the course of my years in real estate. Past clients’ needs change over time and some need bigger homes or move out of state prompting the resale of the home. What makes this beneficial to clients is that as their realtor, I also have some past knowledge of the home itself, not just the area alone.
South Phoenix Realtors have Knowledge of local real estate market trends
Even South Phoenix Realtors and for that matter all realtors have heard that real estate is local. While the US economy is all connected as a whole, there are segments in the US economy that perform differently. There are some states that are doing better and some states that are doing worse than others. Some states in our US economy will be affected at any time by natural disasters, drought and many other things that can have a negative effect. Point is that while the economy of the US is connected, there are local state markets that perform differently. Real estate is much the same and there are niches that will perform differently and of course have different values and trends. Phoenix as a whole is a large city, actually the 6th largest at this time in the US. There are many suburbs in the Metro Phoenix area and each will have similarities to the overall real estate market. Yet while most Phoenix and suburbs will share similarities in market trends there will be differences. Maybe differences in the local real estate market will be in the values of the homes, maybe it is with the length of time it takes to sell homes, maybe it has to do with the turnover rate of homes in the area, or maybe the demographics. Yet to make sure you are fully aware of all things that may have an effect on your purchase or sale, it is best to consider South Phoenix realtors who will be up to date on the specifics of the local niche real estate market.
As one of the South Phoenix realtors now for ten years I can tell you it is extremely important to stay up to date on the market trends. Actually, speaking for myself, I review the real estate market trends in the South Phoenix and Laveen area weekly as well as monthly to stay on top of the trends in the area. What is important for me to know and understand is what is going on in the market with values, supply of home, turnover rates, and inventory of homes. I keep track of some real estate statistics on my own, but I also will look at statistics supplied by the Arizona Regional Multiple Listing service to see how the trends are all lining up. You can view my ongoing blog with weekly and monthly updates at my website at the link . It is my job as a real estate agent specializing in the South Phoenix area to know the market and trends and be able to share that knowledge with my clients. This knowledge in turn will help both my buyer and seller clients to benefit the most in the purchase or sale of their home.
South Phoenix Realtors should have a good knowledge of inventory of homes
While it is likely not possible for a real estate agent to preview each and every home on the market, a realtor should still have a good idea of the homes on the market. This should include a working knowledge of current homes on market and new homes currently for sale in the area. In recent years new homes being built would not have been hard to keep up with, as the new home developments all but ceased operations. The local economy has picked up a bit at this point and we are seeing some new home developments that have started building again. It is important that a South Phoenix real estate agent should know what developments are open for business and potentially have available spec homes. Why is this important? Well as a realtor gets to know their client and their home purchase needs an overall idea of what the buyers end home will be is formulated. For a local agent with the knowledge of inventory of homes this can help guide them to the desired home and location that they are searching and looking to buy. In short it really can help laser focus on what the home buyer is looking for, and also zero in on where that specific home can be found in the south phoenix area. As a complete over simplification let’s assume that someone is wanting to eat a sandwich for lunch. Well someone that knows the area can decide on one of let’s say four choices, subway, subway, jersey mike’s or quiznos, and that is it. Yet, this is a list I generated from my knowledge of the area, and I know exactly where each and all of these eateries is located. For someone that has no knowledge of the area and what it offers, they will rely on their smart phone (if they have one) and hope for the best. No need to hope for the best when you have a local expert helping you out, they already know the options and will share all information and the possibilities.
Local South Phoenix Realtors work with Buyers in the area
Are you considering selling your south Phoenix home? Great, give me a call I want to help you sell your home!! What’s more, chances are good I have buyers looking in South Phoenix and Laveen right NOW!! Doing business in the area for going on over 10 years now, it still fascinates me as I’ve said, how folks will use someone that is not really familiar with the area.
Simple Question:
Who is more likely to be working with a home buyer looking in the south phoenix area?
- A Realtor who lives and works in Anthem
- A realtor that lives and works in Gilbert
- A real estate agent that lives and works in South Phoenix
- All the above
Chances are, I hope you selected number 3, which is an agent that works with both buyers and sellers in the South Phoenix area. For one the real estate agent who specializes in the area is likely spending marketing dollars on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis to promote properties in the area. Much like any business, real estate agents run a business and it is the business of real estate. One segment of the real estate agents business is of course marketing and it carries with it the need for a budget. The marketing budget is made up of money that is allocated to spend to promote properties or to promote the agent in marketing for buyer or sellers. So, again, who do you think has a marketing budget that is already allocated to capturing buyers in the South Phoenix area? Yes, you are right, the answer again is one of your South Phoenix Realtors who is of course already marketing the area and is likely to have buyers in tow.
So, if you’re looking to buy or sell a home in the area, contact one of your South Phoenix Realtors today to get the best results. Who are your South Phoenix Realtors? Good question, and unfortunately I cannot really answer that question for you. I can tell you I for one am a south Phoenix real estate agent and would like the opportunity to earn your business. With an average of over 40 homes sold a year, knowledge of the real estate market in South Phoenix, ten years of experience helping buyers and sellers, I know I can help you with all your real estate needs. Call me today at 602.373.6345 or request a property valuation at this link on my website.